Toledo, Ohio, Just Granted Lake Erie the Same Legal Rights as People, Smart News

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Lake Erie Bill of Rights backers plan to fight court ruling against it

On the Ohio-to-Michigan highway, US auto workers drive for solidarity

Lake Erie turns toxic every summer. Officials aren't cracking down on the source. – Center for Public Integrity

Holy Toledo! This Ohio City Is Voting to Give Legal Rights to a Lake – Mother Jones

Lake Erie first lake to be granted same rights as a human

Where there is water there is life

Should swimming be banned when Lake Erie water is unsafe? Toxic algae policies differ across Ohio (photos)

Why Lake Erie has the same rights as a person in Toledo, Ohio

An Ohio city will vote on whether Lake Erie has the same rights as a person

LEBOR debate highlights Great Lakes water law conference

Where there is water there is life

Giving nature human rights could be the best way to protect the planet

Ohio city votes to give Lake Erie personhood status over algae blooms, Ohio

Fighting pollution: Toledo residents want personhood status for Lake Erie, Ohio