To Save the Whales, Crab Fishers Are Testing Ropeless Gear

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Will 'ropeless' fishing gear be seaworthy in time to save endangered whales?

Ropeless Fishing Gear

About鯨豚- 前幾天因為灰鯨Fingers尾鰭上的鯨虱,在留言區討論到了2016年在巴拿馬水域發現的一隻全身佈滿鯨虱的大翅鯨。 有位朋友找了個影片給我,畫面同樣也是一隻全身佈滿鯨虱的大翅鯨,但牠擱淺在岸上似乎已奄奄一息。 我第一眼是很錯愕的,因為2016年我關注了好幾天但

Ropeless Whalesafe Fishing Gear - Pacific Wild

Finding New Ways to Protect Right Whales With the Help of Fishermen - The New York Times

Video: Lose the Rope, Give Whales Hope

Topic Ideas Hakai Magazine

Will 'Ropeless' Fishing Gear Save the Endangered Right Whale?

The Future Is Ropeless

Commercial Crabbing Gear Steep Discounts